Day 19

Welcome to Day 19 of the 21-Day Prayer Challenge.
We invite you to join us for 21 days of intentional prayer. Check here every day for prayer prompts for this challenge. We are excited to see what God does through prayer.
We invite you to join us for 21 days of intentional prayer. Check here every day for prayer prompts for this challenge. We are excited to see what God does through prayer.
Prayer Prompt:
Pray for our Nation.
Lord God, Your Word says that You are exalted over all nations and that Your glory is above the heavens (Psalm 113:4). We live in a nation of many different creeds, convictions, ethnicities, and backgrounds, but we know that You love and reign over all of us. Allow the ways we exercise our freedoms to reflect Your holiness, compassion, and goodness. Be gracious and bless us and make Your face shine on us so Your ways would be known on earth and Your salvation among all the nations (Psalm 67:1-2). Make us strong but peaceful, just, and also merciful. When You bless us with prosperity, make us generous and charitable. May those who love You be secure. Your Word says, “How good and pleasant it is” when people live together in unity (Psalm 133:1). We know the sadness and suffering that result from a nation and a people divided. We pray for Your truth, faithfulness, and mercy to cover this land. Give us understanding to see how You are working all things for our good and Your glory, discernment in recognizing evil and deception, and wisdom in knowing our role in this moment in history.
It’s in Your precious Name we pray, Amen.
Prayer Truth:
“The beginning point of every prayer of faith is the prayer of relinquishment.” (from Live a Praying Life!)
Before we can expect to hear from God about the how, the when, or the what of our prayers, we have to let Him bring us to the point that when we say, “Not my will, but Yours be done” it is a true, heartfelt prayer. This isn’t a prayer of resignation; it’s a prayer of relinquishing that can only come from a heart that knows and trusts the heart of the Father.
“All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord. All the families of the nations will bow down before You, for kingship belongs to the Lord; He rules over the nations.”
Psalm 22:27-28 (HCSB)
Pray for our Nation.
Lord God, Your Word says that You are exalted over all nations and that Your glory is above the heavens (Psalm 113:4). We live in a nation of many different creeds, convictions, ethnicities, and backgrounds, but we know that You love and reign over all of us. Allow the ways we exercise our freedoms to reflect Your holiness, compassion, and goodness. Be gracious and bless us and make Your face shine on us so Your ways would be known on earth and Your salvation among all the nations (Psalm 67:1-2). Make us strong but peaceful, just, and also merciful. When You bless us with prosperity, make us generous and charitable. May those who love You be secure. Your Word says, “How good and pleasant it is” when people live together in unity (Psalm 133:1). We know the sadness and suffering that result from a nation and a people divided. We pray for Your truth, faithfulness, and mercy to cover this land. Give us understanding to see how You are working all things for our good and Your glory, discernment in recognizing evil and deception, and wisdom in knowing our role in this moment in history.
It’s in Your precious Name we pray, Amen.
Prayer Truth:
“The beginning point of every prayer of faith is the prayer of relinquishment.” (from Live a Praying Life!)
Before we can expect to hear from God about the how, the when, or the what of our prayers, we have to let Him bring us to the point that when we say, “Not my will, but Yours be done” it is a true, heartfelt prayer. This isn’t a prayer of resignation; it’s a prayer of relinquishing that can only come from a heart that knows and trusts the heart of the Father.
“All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord. All the families of the nations will bow down before You, for kingship belongs to the Lord; He rules over the nations.”
Psalm 22:27-28 (HCSB)
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