The Advent of Christ - Peace Through Jesus

Peace Through Jesus
By John Horsley
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Romans 5:1-2 (NIV)
The older I get, the more I realize how little peace there is in this world. We have just gone through a very aggressive and tumultuous political season, with each side pointing fingers and trying to make their point of view the loudest heard. The world we live in is full of wars and rumors of wars. Many of our children find home to be a place of disorder, and then when they go to school they face bullying, political brainwashing, and hurtful rhetoric. Our large companies have seen such turmoil that they have had to expand their human resource departments just to handle the strife between management, workers, and even other companies. Chaos seems to be everywhere, and it is hard to find a place of peace.
One of the places on this earth where we should be able to find peace is in the church. In John chapter 13 Jesus told His disciples that the world would know they are His disciples by the way they loved one another. Yet, from personal experience over forty plus years of walking with God, I have seen turmoil boil up inside the church that has caused many people to struggle with their faith and sometimes walk away from the church. Some of the hardest moments in my walk with God have been in trying to make peace with those whom I worship with; however, what I’ve also learned is that when I have peace in my own heart, it is much easier to make peace with others.
The apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans, promised the readers that while they walked on this earth, they could have peace with one person for sure. They could have peace with God. The way that peace could come was through His Son, Jesus Christ. I’ve come to understand that the biggest cause of anti-peace in a person's life is when they have become anti-God. I have also realized that if I want peace I must recognize why I have turmoil in my life. In most cases, the reason is because I have either consciously or unconsciously chosen to exclude God.
God, in His infinite wisdom, realized that peace would not come to the human race unless he provided a way. That way was Jesus Christ. When Jesus entered our world as a newborn baby and lived in this world among his creation, he had one purpose in mind: to restore peace between God and creation. Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. It is through faith in Jesus that peace is reclaimed with God. When we restore our relationship with God, our heavenly Father, He provides forgiveness, restoration, and peace. It is in this place of peace that peace can come to our hearts and, in turn, to our world.
If you are looking for peace this Advent season and all year long, allow God to restore peace between you and him. Believe that Jesus Christ was born, lived a perfect life, was crucified, and then rose from the dead. When He did that, he paid the price for our rebellion and the mayhem it caused. Repent of your sin and the havoc it has caused in your life and turn back to the God who created you, and He will forgive you. He will restore peace to your heart and, in turn, to your life.
The older I get, the more I realize how little peace there is in this world. We have just gone through a very aggressive and tumultuous political season, with each side pointing fingers and trying to make their point of view the loudest heard. The world we live in is full of wars and rumors of wars. Many of our children find home to be a place of disorder, and then when they go to school they face bullying, political brainwashing, and hurtful rhetoric. Our large companies have seen such turmoil that they have had to expand their human resource departments just to handle the strife between management, workers, and even other companies. Chaos seems to be everywhere, and it is hard to find a place of peace.
One of the places on this earth where we should be able to find peace is in the church. In John chapter 13 Jesus told His disciples that the world would know they are His disciples by the way they loved one another. Yet, from personal experience over forty plus years of walking with God, I have seen turmoil boil up inside the church that has caused many people to struggle with their faith and sometimes walk away from the church. Some of the hardest moments in my walk with God have been in trying to make peace with those whom I worship with; however, what I’ve also learned is that when I have peace in my own heart, it is much easier to make peace with others.
The apostle Paul, in his letter to the Romans, promised the readers that while they walked on this earth, they could have peace with one person for sure. They could have peace with God. The way that peace could come was through His Son, Jesus Christ. I’ve come to understand that the biggest cause of anti-peace in a person's life is when they have become anti-God. I have also realized that if I want peace I must recognize why I have turmoil in my life. In most cases, the reason is because I have either consciously or unconsciously chosen to exclude God.
God, in His infinite wisdom, realized that peace would not come to the human race unless he provided a way. That way was Jesus Christ. When Jesus entered our world as a newborn baby and lived in this world among his creation, he had one purpose in mind: to restore peace between God and creation. Jesus said in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. It is through faith in Jesus that peace is reclaimed with God. When we restore our relationship with God, our heavenly Father, He provides forgiveness, restoration, and peace. It is in this place of peace that peace can come to our hearts and, in turn, to our world.
If you are looking for peace this Advent season and all year long, allow God to restore peace between you and him. Believe that Jesus Christ was born, lived a perfect life, was crucified, and then rose from the dead. When He did that, he paid the price for our rebellion and the mayhem it caused. Repent of your sin and the havoc it has caused in your life and turn back to the God who created you, and He will forgive you. He will restore peace to your heart and, in turn, to your life.

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