Day 18

Welcome to Day 18 of the 21-Day Prayer Challenge.

We invite you to join us for 21 days of intentional prayer. Check here every day for prayer prompts for this challenge. We are excited to see what God does through prayer.

Prayer Prompt:
Pray for the local churches in the Sheridan area.

Lord God, we pray for all of the local churches in Sheridan County. We pray for the pastors’ protection, guidance, and wisdom as they nurture and shepherd Your congregations. We lift up those who are called and committed to serving Your people. They represent the hands and feet of Jesus, and while it is a blessing, we also recognize that it can be wearying to the mind, body, and spirit of those in ministry. We pray that they will not succumb to the temptation to compromise on truth because of what is easy and convenient but that the men and women leading these churches will be bold in declaring Your Truth. We pray that You would give them the Spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of You (Eph 1:16-17). That they would be filled with the knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of You, fully pleasing to You, bearing fruit in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of You (Col 1:9-10).
In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Prayer Tip:
Pray for our community as you drive around town. As you run errands, shoot up quick prayers for the businesses you visit. As you drive by schools, or in a few weeks when you drop your kids off, take a moment to pray for the staff and students inside the buildings. When you drive by someone’s ranch, home, or place of work, pray for their day. As you drive by your neighbor’s house, pray blessings over their family. As you drive by the various churches in town, cover them in prayer for their week’s services. Just think about how thoroughly covered in prayer Sheridan County will be when we all pray for it from one end to the other!

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!
Psalm 133:1 (NIV)

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