The Advent of Christ - The Message of Hope

The Message of Hope
By Joy Copeland
“So we do not become discouraged. Though our outer self is wasting away, yet our inner self is being renewed day by day. For our momentary, light distress is producing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure! So we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are unseen; for the things which are visible are temporal but the things which are invisible are everlasting and imperishable.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
A million years ago, when my husband and I had just started dating, I took him to a symphony orchestra concert. After a clarinet solo finished, I leaned over to Josh and whispered in his ear, “Hey, that clarinet solo is really hard to play because of that high upper register. He cracked a note, but he is an amazing musician!” Josh listened to my comment, then leaned in close and said, “What’s a clarinet?” I recognized then and there that Josh and I were speaking two totally different languages. Bless his heart! To date, he can identify a clarinet, flute, trumpet, and saxophone – thank you, middle school band programs! Forgive me as I regress; let’s go back to that idea of speaking different languages.
During this season of Advent, the word HOPE is thrown around a lot. For many, hope is like playing the lottery. You’re crossing your fingers with the desire for things to work out in your favor; come on – call out my numbers! If things don’t go my way, well, that’s the universe saying too bad or better luck next time. The world speaks the language of hope in the only way that makes sense to it, a belief that things can improve through one’s effort and action.
As believers in Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, we are assured that each moment of life has a purpose. Throughout the joys we delight in and the tragedies we endure, events do not happen by chance – not solely by our own effort and action, for we have a personal, intimate God who desires to go through every part of life with us and uses everything that happens to us during our short time here in preparation for eternity that awaits us. He wants to walk next to us, talk with us, and abide (remain, stay) in us as we experience life and everything that happens (good and bad) because He has a bigger plan for our lives. These experiences will change us and make us more like Him if we let Him in and surrender our will. How we choose to respond, to live, and to serve Him (and each other) is a reflection of Him.
God does the shaping, molding, hammering (ouch!), and melting labor to change our insides and make us into new creations created to be bringers of hope. This is the language of hope that we can share with the world: that we are not alone trying to find luck or happiness in this world but instead have a personal God who loves us, never leaves us, partners with us, and has gifted us with talents and gifts to bless those around us. We are the message of hope to share with the world.
Scripture says, “So we do not become discouraged. Though our outer self is wasting away, yet our inner self is being renewed day by day. For our momentary, light distress is producing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure! So we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are unseen; for the things which are visible are temporal (brief/fleeting) but the things which are invisible are everlasting and imperishable.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Wherever you are today – in school, your job, family, or friend group, know this: He will use you. Whatever your talent or gift you have (or even if you think you don’t have one) – He will use you. Whatever experience you have been through (joy or sorrow) – He will use you. What is the hope for which God created you to bring to your world, family, and friendships? If you aren’t sure, spend some time with Him right now and pray this with me.
God, thank you for creating me as your message of hope. The gifts and experiences I’ve had can be used by you to speak the language of true HOPE into a hopeless world. My hope is that this world is not my home and that there is eternity with you to look forward to. The world around me doesn’t know this. Help me look to you to change my insides and be more like you – to see people like you see them (your precious children), to grieve and mourn as you did (feel and process the feelings inside of me), to be slow to anger and quick to listen (so I only speak life-giving words), to be thankful for all I have (and find contentment) and to lift others up and be an encourager. Above all, I ask you to make me hungry for your word and desire you above everything else. Change my insides and allow my life to be a message of hope to the world every day. In your name, Amen.
A million years ago, when my husband and I had just started dating, I took him to a symphony orchestra concert. After a clarinet solo finished, I leaned over to Josh and whispered in his ear, “Hey, that clarinet solo is really hard to play because of that high upper register. He cracked a note, but he is an amazing musician!” Josh listened to my comment, then leaned in close and said, “What’s a clarinet?” I recognized then and there that Josh and I were speaking two totally different languages. Bless his heart! To date, he can identify a clarinet, flute, trumpet, and saxophone – thank you, middle school band programs! Forgive me as I regress; let’s go back to that idea of speaking different languages.
During this season of Advent, the word HOPE is thrown around a lot. For many, hope is like playing the lottery. You’re crossing your fingers with the desire for things to work out in your favor; come on – call out my numbers! If things don’t go my way, well, that’s the universe saying too bad or better luck next time. The world speaks the language of hope in the only way that makes sense to it, a belief that things can improve through one’s effort and action.
As believers in Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, we are assured that each moment of life has a purpose. Throughout the joys we delight in and the tragedies we endure, events do not happen by chance – not solely by our own effort and action, for we have a personal, intimate God who desires to go through every part of life with us and uses everything that happens to us during our short time here in preparation for eternity that awaits us. He wants to walk next to us, talk with us, and abide (remain, stay) in us as we experience life and everything that happens (good and bad) because He has a bigger plan for our lives. These experiences will change us and make us more like Him if we let Him in and surrender our will. How we choose to respond, to live, and to serve Him (and each other) is a reflection of Him.
God does the shaping, molding, hammering (ouch!), and melting labor to change our insides and make us into new creations created to be bringers of hope. This is the language of hope that we can share with the world: that we are not alone trying to find luck or happiness in this world but instead have a personal God who loves us, never leaves us, partners with us, and has gifted us with talents and gifts to bless those around us. We are the message of hope to share with the world.
Scripture says, “So we do not become discouraged. Though our outer self is wasting away, yet our inner self is being renewed day by day. For our momentary, light distress is producing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure! So we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are unseen; for the things which are visible are temporal (brief/fleeting) but the things which are invisible are everlasting and imperishable.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
Wherever you are today – in school, your job, family, or friend group, know this: He will use you. Whatever your talent or gift you have (or even if you think you don’t have one) – He will use you. Whatever experience you have been through (joy or sorrow) – He will use you. What is the hope for which God created you to bring to your world, family, and friendships? If you aren’t sure, spend some time with Him right now and pray this with me.
God, thank you for creating me as your message of hope. The gifts and experiences I’ve had can be used by you to speak the language of true HOPE into a hopeless world. My hope is that this world is not my home and that there is eternity with you to look forward to. The world around me doesn’t know this. Help me look to you to change my insides and be more like you – to see people like you see them (your precious children), to grieve and mourn as you did (feel and process the feelings inside of me), to be slow to anger and quick to listen (so I only speak life-giving words), to be thankful for all I have (and find contentment) and to lift others up and be an encourager. Above all, I ask you to make me hungry for your word and desire you above everything else. Change my insides and allow my life to be a message of hope to the world every day. In your name, Amen.

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