Day 14

Welcome to Day 14 of the 21-Day Prayer Challenge.
We invite you to join us for 21 days of intentional prayer. Check here every day for prayer prompts for this challenge. We are excited to see what God does through prayer.
We invite you to join us for 21 days of intentional prayer. Check here every day for prayer prompts for this challenge. We are excited to see what God does through prayer.
Prayer Prompt:
Pray for the children at Ignite.
Dearest Lord, We love our children at Ignite. They are each precious and valued members of the church body. We entrust them into Your care. Help us to remember that their future is in Your capable hands. We ask for Your wisdom and direction in knowing how to help in their spiritual development. Give them an understanding of how much You love them, we pray that they find their security and confidence fully in You, knowing that You are trustworthy and true. May Your peace cover their lives and joy and laughter fill their days. We pray You will give them boldness and courage to face whatever challenges are set before them with the calm confidence that can only come from Your Holy Spirit. We ask that You will raise up greatness in the children of this church, greatness in this generation, that they would be willing to stand strong and true and passionately for You. May they believe You have designed them for a purpose, that You have good works planned and prepared for them in advance. We thank You, Father, that You walk ahead of, beside, and behind our children. We can trust You to always lead them and constantly be at their side.
In Jesus’ Sweet Name, Amen
Prayer Tip:
Go on a prayer walk! During the long, lonely months of Covid, I got into a habit of walking and praying on our ranch and the trails around the community. Much at that time was out of my control, making life concerning and uncertain. I discovered that when I put my feet in motion and my mind to the truth of God’s promises, these prayers settled my heart. I continued this practice of prayer walking as things returned to some sense of normalcy. Something that caused much fretting in my spirit became an occasion to exercise my prayer muscles. Sometimes, kneeling is the posture we should take with prayer, but sometimes, movement is an excellent way to get our conversations with God going. Try walking and talking with God!
All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13 (ESV)
Pray for the children at Ignite.
Dearest Lord, We love our children at Ignite. They are each precious and valued members of the church body. We entrust them into Your care. Help us to remember that their future is in Your capable hands. We ask for Your wisdom and direction in knowing how to help in their spiritual development. Give them an understanding of how much You love them, we pray that they find their security and confidence fully in You, knowing that You are trustworthy and true. May Your peace cover their lives and joy and laughter fill their days. We pray You will give them boldness and courage to face whatever challenges are set before them with the calm confidence that can only come from Your Holy Spirit. We ask that You will raise up greatness in the children of this church, greatness in this generation, that they would be willing to stand strong and true and passionately for You. May they believe You have designed them for a purpose, that You have good works planned and prepared for them in advance. We thank You, Father, that You walk ahead of, beside, and behind our children. We can trust You to always lead them and constantly be at their side.
In Jesus’ Sweet Name, Amen
Prayer Tip:
Go on a prayer walk! During the long, lonely months of Covid, I got into a habit of walking and praying on our ranch and the trails around the community. Much at that time was out of my control, making life concerning and uncertain. I discovered that when I put my feet in motion and my mind to the truth of God’s promises, these prayers settled my heart. I continued this practice of prayer walking as things returned to some sense of normalcy. Something that caused much fretting in my spirit became an occasion to exercise my prayer muscles. Sometimes, kneeling is the posture we should take with prayer, but sometimes, movement is an excellent way to get our conversations with God going. Try walking and talking with God!
All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13 (ESV)
Posted in #21dayprayerchallenge
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