Day 7

Welcome to Day 7 of the 21-Day Prayer Challenge.

We invite you to join us for 21 days of intentional prayer. Check here every day for prayer prompts for this challenge. We are excited to see what God does through prayer.

Day Seven of the 21-Day Prayer Challenge

Prayer Prompt:  
Pray for the salvation of unbelieving friends and family.

Dearest God, We cover our unbelieving friends and family members. We pray that their hearts will be changed and that they will make the decision to fully submit to You. Take away their cold and unyielding hearts of stone and do a work that softens and makes their hearts alive and responsive to You. Bring them an awareness of the truth of Who You are and what You have accomplished here on earth. I pray they would come to Christ and Christ alone for salvation. Prepare their hearts to receive the gospel and believe it is the only thing that will bring hope to their broken sinfulness. Free them from the bondage of sin that has enslaved them. Remove Satan’s influence that has blinded them to the truth. Lord give us opportunities and boldness to share the hope we have in you with gentleness and love.
In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Prayer Truth:
We might never know the full effect of our prayers this side of heaven. God doesn’t want this to discourage us but to make us even more determined to keep praying because we know that one day, He will reveal every answer to every prayer ever spoken. As we pray for unbelieving loved ones, we can be assured that God hears and is working on hearts, even if we can’t see the proof of it.

I am sending you to them to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.
Acts 26:17b-18 (NIV)

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